
We all know that CraigsList is the place for all sorts of nebulous advertising. Ads that have been found in the past: One ad found recently actually states that it is for "part time evening work available, weekdays Thursday and/or Friday evenings from 8pm -4 am", i.e., under the cover of darkness. I often find and removed these the next morning.
Anyone seeing one of these ads should click on the "flag" link at the top of the page. The more that do this, the better chance that the ad will disappear. Maybe Craigslist will even take steps to block posting of these ads. Unlikely.

This photo has actually appeared in numerous ads on Craigslist soliciting people to do this sort of shit. After repeatedly flagging these ads for a month, they seem to have stopped. Maybe Craigslist actually took action.

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Updated 22 Jan 2022 by MAP